Hello From Our Homes to Yours

2020-04-07T21:23:37-07:00April 7th, 2020|

Hello From Home The ECS Staff wants you to know how much we miss you!  We think of you daily, and pray God will bring an end to the coronavirus so we can see you again soon!  In a community that is as tight-knit as ours, the separation seems especially difficult some days, but we know that our strength comes from the Lord during these sometimes lonely days. We hope this little video will help brighten your spirits today.  Our chapel theme this year has been about being "Kingdom Builders," ones who build our lives upon God's firm foundational truths.  [...]

What We Miss About School

2020-04-08T12:13:25-07:00March 30th, 2020|

What We Miss About School Our first graders were asked to share their opinions about what part of the school day they miss the most while doing distance learning at home during COVID-19, and why they miss it. Some of the children miss doing math or science, while others miss chapel, PE or art, but the thing they miss most is being with others. Poignantly they wrote about missing their teachers and their friends, and their hope that we will one day see each other again. Safe to say, we ALL look forward to that day and pray it comes [...]

Online Learning Success!

2020-04-07T20:45:37-07:00March 20th, 2020|

Online Learning Success! Who would have thought just a couple of months ago that this would be our new normal? All of our teachers and families are working hard, embracing the changes that mandated school closures have brought our way.  This situation has taken many of us outside of our comfort zones, but despite the stress and anxiety we are off to a good start.  Our teachers have shown amazing creativity and showered our students with love as they've made the transition to provide education online.  Within just one day after closing our building, our middle school teachers had successfully [...]

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