Thank You For Your Generous Donations!

Your contributions to ECS make a significant difference in the lives of the young people we serve. Your generosity allows us to provide a rich spiritual and academic program that will impact them for the rest of their lives and beyond.

Credit Card Gifts:  Donate online using a credit card or PayPal via our school’s PayPal account.  Donations are subject to a small processing fee.  [Larger gifts can be given via check or through FACTS, a payment processing account for current families.]

Venmo:  Donate using your Venmo account to Eastside Christian School, listed as a Charity on Venmo as @ecsbellevue.

FACTS Gifts:  Currently-enrolled families may choose to process their donations through their FACTS account.  Contact Office Manager Teresa Tsai or Director of Finance David McKinney for details.

Check Gifts:  Please make your check payable to Eastside Christian School and mail or deliver it to us at 14615 SE 22nd Street, Bellevue, WA 98007.

Matching Gifts:  If your employer has a matching gifts program, we can provide follow-up information to enable them to match your giving. Amazon, Microsoft, Boeing, and Expedia are some of the local businesses that have contributed matching gifts to our school.  Email David McKinney, Director of Finance, for details.

Stock Gifts:  Donations of stock or tax-free IRA distributions are also welcomed. Click here to read or download more information/instructions.


ECS is privately funded
Donations are tax deductible  •  Tax ID#91-0848128
14615 SE 22nd St., Bellevue, WA 98007
t: (425) 641.5570 •

Questions about your donation may be directed to our Finance Director, David McKinney, at