
Middle School Biology: Live Observations

2018-05-24T08:48:41-07:00May 24th, 2018|

Seventh and Eighth grade science students had the opportunity to observe live Madagascar hissing cockroaches in class today. Our biology unit included several live observations including single-celled paramecia, several plants and flowers, live snails, and finally the cockroaches. Today, the students were asked to observe: How the cockroaches walk Which feet move together What they prefer to eat Strawberries Blueberries Watermelon Banana How they react to various stimuli A gust of wind Water Sticky substance on their antennae Objects placed in front of them We would like to give a giant thank you to Denny’s Pet World in Kirkland for donating [...]

5th Grade: Biological Sciences

2018-01-02T13:52:23-08:00January 2nd, 2018|

Anatomy, a field in the biological sciences, is concerned with the identification and description of the body structures of living things. Physiology, a related biological field, is concerned with the functions of these living organisms and their parts. Our 5th grade students spent several days this year studying both anatomy and physiology of the human body. Working as teams, they learned more about some of the body’s major systems, including: Digestive Nervous Cardiovascular Musculo-skeletal Respiratory Each team created a 10-15 minute presentation to share in front of their peers and parents. Students donned their white “ECS Hospital” lab coats and presented [...]

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