The other day I had the opportunity to visit Mrs. Turella’s classroom to ask the students a few questions about the fifth grade. They had some great answers and were so full of joy. Here is what they had to say!
ME: “Ok, guys…what do you love most about the fifth grade?”
“We get to go on awesome field trips! This year we went to IFly and did “Mission to Mars” at the Museum [of Flight]!”
“That was fun!”
“Yeah and it’s fun going with a smaller class, because we get to do more things.”
“Science is really cool. We got to do a glass blowing project.”
“Also, we get to watch movies.”
ME: “What do you mean by movies?”
“Well…documentaries. We just watched a video of the Mars Rover!”
ME: Anything else?
“We have a seasonal tree – and the classroom gets decorated differently all the time.”
“Yes, Mrs. Turella always transforms the classroom.”
“This is Mrs. Turella’s second home.” laughter
ME: “That’s awesome. What are you learning right now that will prepare you for 6th Grade?”
“We are learning how to do our work quickly and efficiently – basically how not to waste time.”
“Yes, everything has to be turned in exactly [on time] and we don’t want to do things that are not helpful.”
“And, we write a lot of essays!”
“We also get to be a part of Market Day.”
“Yeah, that’s really fun. We get to learn how to manage our money.”
“But that’s not getting ready for middle school – that’s getting ready for real life!”
“Yep! You can’t get out of college and have bills and not know how to manage it all.”
ME: “Wow. It sounds like you guys are really learning a lot. What are you looking forward to next year?”
“The Middle School retreat!”
“Yes, we get to be with our friends all day long [when we go].”
“Also, electives, there are so many fun classes to choose from!”
“Yeah, there is a building class and cooking and art.”
“And Surfaces!” (Personal computers used by all middle school students.)
“Ooh, yes!”
ME: “You guys really like the technology and elective aspect, huh?”
ME: What do you love the most about ECS?
“The people – we are all so unique.”
“I really enjoy all of our guest speakers [in chapel]. We get to hear from missionaries and Mr. Green does a lot of interactive chapel sessions.”
“I like that we are always together. It’s so easy to make friends.”
“Yeah, it feels like one big family – we say “hello” to everybody and we know the 8th graders and some of the 3rd and 4th graders.”
“We even know some of the kindergartners and preschoolers!”
“I’ve known some of my friends since preschool!”
“Also, we have the best teacher.”
Well, there you have it. Some thoughts from the ECS fifth graders. From all of their creative answers to their wonderful attitudes, these kids will surely go on to do some incredible things. Also, I’m pretty sure they are going to rock the 6th grade!